A lot of things can get in the way of finding time to review films including work, family and THE ATTACK OF THE FLYING MONKEYS, but some movies still deserve a mention, so that’s where my Mini Movie Reviews come in. Each is less than 100 words long or your money back. That’s a promise people! Today it’s My Neighbors The Yamadas.
My Neighbors The Yamadas (MNTY) is in many ways a first for Studio Ghibli. It's the first film they made completely through digital means, it's the first to adopt a comic-strip style and it's also the first one that doesn't feature a continuous plot. Unfortunately, the vignettes of family life that MNTY explore also make this the first Ghibli film that left me feeling bored and disappointed. I applaud director Isao Takahata for trying something different and moments did amuse me, but ultimately, MNTY is for the hardcore Ghibli fans only, Still, at least it's better than Ocean Waves.
2 out of 5
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